Wednesday, July 4, 2012



This seems to be a very interesting question due to the simple fact that if a person is a "Lesbian" they are not sexually attracted to men. Right? But, if it's true that these women are not sexually attracted to men, why go though so much trouble to dress like, style their hair,walk, talk, and act like... Well, Men?

According to Style
The Top 5 Lesbian Fashion & Style Icons were Ellen DeGeneres, Kate Moennig,
K.D. Lang, Kim Stolz, and Honey Labrador. The descriptions of how these women dress went from lesbian menswear (whatever that means) and "total tomboys at heart," to Original Butch Female Masculinity. Excuse me! It seems as though the gender/blender puree' button might be stuck. As much as I hate to break up the style and clothes worship of these ladies here. I am going too. Either words have meaning or they don't. "Masculinity" is not "Femininity" And, "Menswear" last time I checked is you guessed it... is"what men wear" To make matters even more confusing 47 year old K.D. Lang said... "I don't feel like a woman or a man. I feel like both..."

Perhaps there is one of the issues right there. There seems to be a lot of confusion on what the definition of words mean. Confusion on what consistent sexuality is. And gender sexuality identity disorder. Perhaps this will give us a clue into why it is that gays seem to be so confused when arguing that same sex marriage is a civil rights issue, while in reality it's not a matter of "rights" at all but simply their desires. It's like the man who was busted for child pornography a while ago that said..."I have a "right" to view that!" IE: "I have a "desire" to view that." I'm sure that the founders of the Constitution knew the distinctions between "Rights" vs. Desires! 

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