Thursday, March 27, 2014

The Only Weapon The Skeptic Has

Is Everything A Matter Of Opinion?

By Luther Conigliarro 

Today it would seem that people have opinions about everything. 
From, the best careers, to worse careers. Best restaurants, to okay 
Dinning, Vacation hot spots, vacation "nots" To best cars to own, best places to live.. To What's a marriage, to homosexuality, to Well, you get the point. 

So, Let me put this under two headings

As a Philosopher myself we must put this in context.., 

First, the theoretical significants 
Of an opinion and then its practical
Significants it's important to note that when human beings were developing what we call opinions; what we were in fact doing was developing a theory of probability

The only power a skeptic has 

Many people today that fall into  relativistic-pragmatism are really simply skeptics. These are the folks    that say things like, "everything is just a matter of opinion" Or, They might even say,.."Every opinion is as good as every other opinion"

Of course these ideas pose greater problems for the relativist, Since the Law of non contradiction is always in full view. And, to mention the Law of identity as well is usually violated here at this point in order to make such statements. Never the less, this is not always so clear to them, and thus they need someone with eyes to see, to show them what they can't see due to blind spots. 

The apostle Paul said as for the believer (not the skeptic) "The weapons we fight with are mighty to demolish arguments and illogical pretenses." 

Show them their blind spots.

For example: Suppose that someone has an opinion that, "all Christians are idiots." Then, a Christian walks up who has 2 doctorates in Philosophy, and teaches and lectures all around the country on a large host of topics informs this person that Certainly, not all Christians are idiots! 

The only weapon a skeptic has is his clothing himself or herself  pragmatic relativism. Why? Because it's easy to play the (We don't know, and you don't either game) 

For instance: If say in a court of law during a (murder trial of a woman who was also raped) a prosecutor had a mountain of evidence against the defendant; from an eye witness that saw him leave with the victim that night, to having the victims skin cells under his finger nails, to scratches on the defendants face and hands that looked like defensive wounds. To even his D.N.A evidence on the victim. Sounds like a pretty straight forward case right? Well, not exactly.

 Introduce the defense attorney  and he plays the skeptic, and he tells the jury that "the defendant danced with the victim that night at the club. That's where the victims skin cells under his finger nails came from. And the scratches on his face were from a fall in the bathtub the defendant had been in 12 hours before their date. Then he tells the jury about other men that the victim had been involved with over the last few months sexually. And anyone of them could have killed her. And "we don't know what happened that night to the victim. And nobody does.." 
And this is a classic skeptic move. I'm sure you've seen it with other issues as well. 

Which brings me to philosophical defeaters

A defeater in philosophy, is a argument and or fact that gives new information to a situation.  

For example: Let's suppose you and I were driving in my car; then, you see me turn on my windshield wipers because I'm under the opinion that it might rain. Then you inform me that we're driving in the Sahara desert, and it hasn't rained in 6 months.. What you did was, you had just introduced a defeater
I had a opinion that it was going to rain, then you informed me of the facts on the ground. Thus defeating my former view. 

Helping people to see that their opinions are sometimes silly, illogical, and flat out incorrect at times  is one of the best ways of making the world a better place


Tuesday, March 4, 2014

"Counterfeit Jesus" Fakes, Phony's or Authentic

Book titled Why Jesus 

"Knockoff Who's there?

In Ravi Zacharias book titled "Why Jesus"
He tells of a very interesting experience he had while in New Delhi, at a shopping mall. Basically he walked into a store that sold "knockoff versions" of the real thing. 

The stuff in the store looks identical to the original. If it's a Rolex watch you are looking for, you better put yours in your pocket, because if placed side by side to the fake you will have a very difficult time deciphering which one's the Real deal! 

Ravi asked the shop keeper..."Just out of curiosity, how are you even able to manufacture these?" The shop keep reprimanding Ravi, and said; "I'll have you know that my fakes were genuine fakes and not like the other store down the road. 

Let me get this straight; everything in the store was fake, but compared to the other store down the road, they sell "faker fakes" than the store he was in??

Sounds a lot like a lot of churches you can walk into today. Some churches present a "Romantic Jesus" who wants romantic involvement with you. These type of churches drop  gaggy platitudes and reduce the Son of God to a sappy hallmark card version. 

Politically correct Tolerant Jesus

This Jesus is a political activist in the sense that he is a Jesus that has been reduced to a Western politician that "Needs your Vote!" and I guess after you vote for him; he will take care of all your problems: This Counterfeit Jesus is not so much concerned about your sins, he's more concerned with invoking social change. At best (This is half Jesus) 

Here's where we are:

As a culture we are a people who have "spirituality without dogma" and in many  University settings we have Arguments with out substance" And at the popular talk show level we have Rationalization without rationality"  

The purpose of this post was to not so 
much "knock" on particular denominations and or non denoms. The purpose was to make a point or two about that fact that.. If a church can't even present the real Jesus, the whole Jesus, and nothing but the whole Jesus; then there is a serious problem! 

Counterfeits creep in, this needs to stop! And it begins with the person in the mirror.