Friday, January 31, 2014

Utilitarianism and its consequences

Danger of Utilitarianism 
On ideas that screwed up the world Brings me to another writer of the 18th century 
John Stuart Mill 1806-1873 Book "Utilitarianism" 

We begin at his childhood. John Mill reported that his father didn't treat him like a son, but an *Experiment* pushing him far beyond his young mind should have been pushed. He hadEpicureanism shoved down his young throat.     

Fast forward: since John Mill grew up an Atheist rejecting the idea of original sin; he most likely never could have imagined how damaging the ideas from his book would be on a world: 

Nutshell: Utilitarianism can be broken down into a very overly simplistic
 *Double Equation*..

Good = Pleasure 
Evil = Pain 

Besides the very obviously flawed view. E.G sleeping with my Neighbor's wife might bring  her and I pleasure but the effects of adultery on her family and mine will be damaging.

 Or. Suppose I want to kill someone because they happen to be in the lives of people I care about. But They are blocking my goals of having the types of friendships with them that I want. So I decide to murder them. It may bring me pleasure knowing this person is erased from my life. But I still committed murder. And even though I don't "feel" pain doesn't mean that what I did wasn't evil! 

In conclusion: To bad John Stuart Mill never followed is ideas to their logical conclusion. And to bad henever bothered to ask "What is a moral pleasure" and "what makes pleasures moral?"

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Ideas That Have Screwed Up The World

Ideas That Screwed Up the world 

My take on "Ideas that Screwed Up the World!" 

Today I'm spotlighting *Jean Rousseau* who lived 1712-1778 
Who has done an Immeasurable amount of damage on our world. In one book. "Discourse on the Origin and foundation of inequality among men"

Nutshell: Rousseau reasoned with that words like God, Love, & Beauty were meaningless words for the salves of society! 

Rousseau Believed Man was primarily a caveman and in order to be fulfilled needed to live and run wild in the forest...under this view man only needs to "eat, sleep, and have sex whenever and with whomever without all of the duties and responsibility of Love! 

Rousseau also believed Father-hood was for salves, therefore the mother can raise the offspring besides (according to Rousseau) The woman is convinced she needs to love her offspring. As if a father couldn't care less about his children. 

Sounds strangely firmilure today! Where some men in our society make babies, and leave all the responsibility to their mothers. I'm really not sure if I really need to explain why this is a bad idea! If one happens to think that this philosophy is a good one to adopt,  than you have more problems than simply trying to understand this blog. I recommend you read and try to understand Paul's writings in the book of Romans.

Which by the way could have really helped Rousseau get a grasp of the reality that shirking one's responsibility doesn't make one free. It just puts more responsibility on the shoulders of those that are Noble! I wish Rousseau was alive today to see the bounced checks of this idea on society. I'm pretty confident that this idea is at the heart of needed Well fair programs in the world. Ideas have consequences. HERE

And this is why Rousseau gets one of the top places of Ideas that helped damage our world!

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Arguments For Universalists

Great Arguments For Universalists?

Do Universalists have well thought arguments?
Let's discuss it.   

"Christian Universalism" is the position that all of mankind will ultimately be saved through Jesus whether or not faith is professed in him in this life.
Christian Universalism teaches that God's qualities of love, sovereignty, justice, etc., require that all people be saved and that eternal punishment is a false doctrine. Salvation is not from hell under this view

Moreover, Those who teach that the unrepentant will be punished in a future state, and that their punishment will be proportional to the degree of sin committed in the mortal state. They generally hold that the punishment is moral and not physical. There is no hell. They do not maintain that salvation is merited through these sufferings.
Those who teach that all the punishment for sin occurs in this life and that God's discipline in our lives is for the purpose of purifying us, though this purification is not our merit for salvation. In eternity, there will be a loss of reward for those who did not trust in Christ in this lifetime.

Christian Universalists claim to hold many of the tenets of historic Christianity: Trinity, deity of Christ, deity of the Holy Spirit, salvation by grace, etc. As always, it is necessary to inquire and ask what is meant by the terms they use because the diversity that exists in universalist beliefs warrants further examination. Nevertheless, the Christian universalists claim to affirm:
The inspiration and inerrancy of the Bible. Which of course creates problems for coherence with regard to scripture when rejecting other major Christian doctrines.

Universalists do not accept the standard doctrine of the Trinity, but lean more towards either Arianism (God is one person, Jesus is created) to modalism (God takes different forms in history). This is, of course, heretical.

"Jesus is the Son of the Living God
Many cult groups say the same thing. What they mean by the phrase is what is important."

The Christian Universalists tend to say the Son is a manifestation, an image, a representation of God's essence, yet he is not equal to the Father. Therefore, they are denying His true deity.
But, not all who claim to be Christian Universalists deny this.
Some hold that Jesus is not God but that He is divine. This is perplexing since divinity is a quality of God, not angels or men.
Jesus' Resurrection

Most Christian Universalists affirm the physical resurrection of Jesus. But, some still claim he did not rise from the dead physically, but was assumed into heaven to dwell with God. Which also adds to massive confusion.

If, by what is written above here is their view -the physical resurrection of Jesus is denied, as it seems it is, then anyone who holds to that position is indeed a non-Christian since it denies one of the essential doctrines of Christianity.

The Holy Spirit is God's presence
There is a surprisingly common denial of the personhood of the Holy Spirit. (Personhood is self-awareness, a will, the ability to speak, etc.). This is a serious error on the part of those who hold to it. But to be fair, many universalists affirm the Holy Spirit as the third person in the Godhead.

There is no salvation without trusting Jesus as Savior. This is basic Christianity 101
Since, to many universalists, Jesus is not truly God by nature, they have an improper object of faith (denying the Trinitarian nature of God and the deity of Christ). Please see: Daniel Mann's World

Their faith, then, is useless since they have violated the command to worship no other God (Exodus 20) and are worshiping a false god. The Jesus they believe in, is not the real one. This means they are definitely not Christian.
There is a second chance theology at work here
 where people who have rejected Jesus in this life can come to faith in the next life, even though he has flatly rejected Jesus' sacrificial atonement.
Some Universalists believe...
in consciousness after death, others do not.
in limited punishment of sinners in a type of hell that is not of fire, but of some moral chastising.
that punishment in the afterlife was for a limited period during which the soul was purified and prepared for eternity in the presence of God.
In conclusion: Universalism is at best, a cult smoothly blended up with about five competing world views in it. And, at worse, it's more contradicting than former governor of Florida Charley Crist's switching political party's at every run!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

How Atheist Market Their Theories and The Public buys.

How do they sell it? 

The analogy below is helpful to put this in context. 

Lets suppose you owned a exotic jewelry store and for years you had the publics trust through cultivated relationships, Trust and fine craftsmanship. Now let's say another knock off jewelry store moves in next door to yours. They have copied everything you sell in yours, but everything in their store is fake imitation. 

To make matters worse 
For you,  the man who owns the knock off jewelry store is telling everyone in town that you have been ripping people off for years and they should quit doing business with you. 

But it gets worse, because, in this analogy, months have gone by and now this man owns 10 stores and there are bill boards all over the city, and the news media is covering his store and helping to spread the deception that your authentic jewelry is somehow the inferior one.

Well this is like what's been happening in colleges around the world in the like, for the last 80 years+ Many people have been working hard to get us to believe marketing slogans and the slogans are..?

"Reason over dogma"

"Religion poisons everything"

"To question science is tantamount to rejecting truth all-together!"

But wait a minute. Aren't there hundreds of scientific fields of inquiry? I mean take the word "Inquiry" its defined as.. "To investigate" To examine" "to dig" to find out"

Find out what? 

Ah yes, if a theory passes tests. Find out if it Is it true? Now certainly in many scientific fields questioning is good. But not all. Take The Evolution debate: If you question evolution today watch the powers that be come after you with fury! 

If you don't believe me ask Dr. Behe and see if he agrees with me. Or try to go into a "civil chat room" where evolutionist are. And see how they treat you for challenging the belief.

There are problems with Darwinism. Many problems. For one the heavily contested fossil record.
In Darwin's day, it was easy to claim that the fossils were there but had not been discovered. Problem is, we now have hundreds of thousands of well-catalogued fossils, from all continents and geologic eras, and we still haven't found these intermediate forms. 

As Denton puts it,
"Despite the tremendous increase in geological activity in every corner of the globe and despite the discovery of many strange and hitherto unknown forms, the infinitude of connecting links has still not been discovered and the fossil record is about as discontinuous as it was when Darwin was writing the Origin."

But wait! Isn't one of the atheist marketing slogans they use all the time, "Where's the evidence"?

Scientist that argue for Darwinism, will say things like.., "Close enough to be fact"  but the fact is in the words of Dr. David Berlinski "Darwinian evolution: We aren't even close, to being close to calling this a theory"

But just like the analogy above the pubic has bought right into the Marketing slogan!

Now I don't for a second agree that science is inferior to religion. I believe the two are compatible. And friends of each other. Religion is a friend of science. And vice versa. It has always been a false dichotomy to pin one over the other.

For further reading Book "Who made God" by Edgar Andrews