Friday, August 22, 2014

Proven Leadership Qualities That You Can Use

Leaders never stop growing and developing. They have the capacity to keep themselves from falling into a comfort zone. They are lifelong students.

Do you have an drive and goal to become a great leader?

All leadership qualities can be learned. The hard part is identifying the qualities that you must learn to succeed as an effective leader. Follow these steps today to find out how to become a better leader.

Develop Leadership Qualities By Improving Yourself
A key to developing leadership qualities is to read, study and take courses. All leaders are readers. Even though they are swamped with work, they never stop taking in new information. They never stop reading business books and  attending conferences, getting into discussions, and learning what is going on. Small talk is also critical 

What Leadership Qualities Are You Missing?
Can you identify any qualities of effective leadership that you may be missing? It may be a hard thing to do, but the great thing about doing this is that when you know what qualities you are missing, you can work to improve these things about yourself.

People will be born with certain leadership qualities but missing others. Most great leaders became great because they identified the leadership qualities that they were missing and then deliberately set out to acquire those skills.

The Rules of Making Yourself a Better Leader
As you’re working to make yourself better, remember these three rules:

Rule #1 It doesn’t matter where you came from. It only matters where you are going. Don’t worry about any past opportunities that you may have missed or any mistakes you may have made because of a weakness. That is all past. It is the future that counts. Just because you haven’t been a leader before doesn’t mean you cant become one.

Rule #2 If you want your life to get better, you have to get better. If you want to be an effective leader, then you need to develop your leadership qualities. Work on developing any quality that you think you need whether it is integrity, patience, or delegation, until you have perfected it, then move on and practice another.

Rule #3 You can learn anything that you want to learn. You can become anything you want to become. Leaders know what they want, and then set out about making it happen.

How to Become a Better Leader
Effective leaders are always looking to improve themselves. In four basic steps, you can begin to improve and become a better leader right now:

1) Do more of certain things. Do more of those things that are of greater value to you and more important to achieving results as a leader.

Resolve today to do more reading, or to work on improving on the leadership qualities you may be missing.

2) Do less of certain things. At the same time, you must deliberately decide to reduce the amount of time you spend on certain activities that impede your success as a leader.

3) Start to do those things you aren’t doing that you need to be doing. What are the skills, competencies or knowledge that you need in order to become a better leader? Identify them, then write them down. How can you go about learning these qualities?

4) Stop doing certain things all together. There may be activities that are no longer relevant to your goals as a leader. Step back and evaluate all your activities from the perspective of what you are trying to achieve. You may find that what was once important is no longer important and should no longer take up your time.

Take Action
Thank you for reading my blog on developing leadership qualities. Becoming a better leader starts with bettering yourself and knowing what you want. Write down and analyze your leadership goals that you want to achieve and follow my four basic steps to develop your leadership qualities.

By Brian Tracy's Leadership class

Sunday, August 17, 2014

"Counterfeit Persecution" Of Christians

The news headlines of the last several months over seas have been dealing with heavy persecution of Christians. For example: Take the Pastor who is in an Iranian prison right now for having bible studies in his home there.

Saeed Abedini, 34, a naturalized U.S. citizen, was sentenced to eight years in prison by an Iranian court last year for undermining national security by setting up home-based Christian churches in his native country from 2000 to 2005. 


Boko Haram kidnapping 50 people and holding them hostage, while their families agonize of their whereabouts 


Islamic militant Isis group selling Nothern Iraqi girls into slavery. 

Leader: ISIS is ‘Systematically Beheading Children' in 'Christian Genocide'

I could go on and on with the violent persecution that's happening to Christians all over the world, and more headlines.
 But for our purpose here; I want to talk to Christians in the United States.

I talk with a lot of Christians every week that have a lot of stories they like to share with me about all of their "Trials" they face daily. Most of which are not trials at all, but temptations. And it would seem more often than not they do not understand the differences between Trials, Persecutions, and Temptations and their desires. 

Dear Christian, I write this letter to you so  that you will fully understand the difference between "Temptation and Persecution".  

Dear Christian, in the West. Persecution is  not "A person who over eats all the time and they're over weight because of it, to where the keep falling into gluttony. Eating bags of chips and gallons of ice cream is not persecution. It's falling into temptation'

 Persecution is not when a person is slothful and lazy. Nobody can say.. "I'm persecuted, that's why I'm lazy and don't exercise, work, help others, look for ways to serve, etc... No. That's not persecution either. 

Persecution is not Pornography addiction. That's a lustful vice

Persecution is not one's "vices"! But Temptation is. 

Point for writing this, is many believers find themselves beat down by their own sinful temptations that they confuse "that," for being persecuted. 

In the Spirit of 2nd Corinthians 10:12..But when they measure themselves by one another they are without understanding... 

I think this is so true in the West. We compare ourselves with each and every average believer in the U.S and "Thus. The thing Paul warned against is paramount. 

Dear Christian, I write this to you so you will not confuse your sinful vices for what our dearBrothers and sisters are facing now in other parts of This world. 

He who the Son sets free is free indeed! John 8:36

I hope this was helpful and challenging for those of us that live in the west
For Futher reading: Ephesians 6:1-8


Saturday, August 9, 2014

Why Has This HBO Clip Received Almost 8 Million views?

The Newsroom is an American television political drama series created and principally written by heavy Democratic supporter Aaron Sorkin that premiered on HBO on June 24, 2012. Now in its 3rd season. The series chronicles the behind-the-scenes events at the fictional Atlantis Cable News (ACN) channel. It features an ensemble cast includingJeff Daniels as anchor Will McAvoy. 

In the clip that has been shared thousands of times, is of Jeff Daniels' character Will McAvoy. He Speaking on a political panel on the topic of Is "America The Greatest Country?" 

He's says No! America is not the greatest country and that's my final answer!" Then goes on a rant. 

Now, I am going to site a few of the problems in the clip right from the start. 

First of all, Will McAvoy's facts are off on "how many country's are Free, Dying, and Healthy in the clip,

 He says America is not that special because 
"there are 207 Sovereign Nations and "like a 180 of then are free"!  Jeff Daniels sound bite

Is this true? Is he correct?

(By the way, we discuss this in depth on our podcast below

Is He Correct? 
There are far, far less than 180 Nations that are free. After doing some fact checking of my own; The number is about 79 Nations that are free out of 240 that are sovereign.   

Which brings up a good question. What do we mean by a free people? 

According to the survey, Only 79 countries out of 240 are free. 

What do We mean?
By freedom we mean citizens that enjoy the broadest range of rights. E.G Political rights and civil liberties.

But, my issue with this Clip of a rant that has been shared nearly 8 million times as I write this; Is that the facts are off! And, I have seen zero articles anywhere challenging the claims made in the clip.

And, after reading the comments section on Youtube, people are taking the scene as the Gospel truth  

And, since most of the claims are false.
Which is ironic, since in the clip Daniel's character tells the audience of mostly college kids, that, they are the "Most ill informed generation Ever" Wow, interesting statement. Since he's the one doing the informing. And he's even off on that. 
The Newsroom clip was also off on the death rates 

Fact: The number one causes of death worldwide are. Communicable diseases, maternal and perinatal conditions, and nutritional deficiencies18,416,00032.
3Infectious and parasitic diseases 5Tuberculosis1,605,0002.8STDs excluding HIV180,0000.3HIV/AIDS etc.. Which is not the U.S

The Newsroom is also wrong on the United States being absurdly high in infant mortality rates. 

Now this needs a little explaining.
Infant mortality means; A baby that dies either inside the mothers womb and up to a year old. 

The United States is still doing much better, than the 168 Nations that are below us in this regard in infant Mortality rates. 

And the truth is, if women  in this country weren't having 4000 abortions everyday in the United States we would be much, much further ahead than where we are. He should have said infant mortality by choice. But never the less we are still 168 sovereign Nations ahead of the others worse on the list. 

Here's a Link

There is more I could write. But, Im going to stop here. Be sure to check out our podcast above. Goes into further details. 

Agnostic Student Asks William Lane Craig A Profound Question: Wait until You Hear His Response.

Veritas Forum's always have fascinating QnA's from the audience at the end of every lecture that I have seen, And this one was no exception.

A student in the audience asked Christian Philosopher William Lane Craig, a serious and very articulate question, that had major significance. You must listen to the question and the answer Craig gives to really appreciate it. 

Also My not so orthodox interview with Dr Hugh Ross from Reasons To Believe below. Enjoy


Monday, August 4, 2014

Actor Loses His Career For Evangelizing To Actor Brad Pitt

Actor Steve Cha says he Lost his career after trying to evangelize actor Brad Pitt or at least strongly makes that claim in the link below.

I have decided to let Steve Cha tell his own experience with talking to Brad Pitt about Christianity 

Link below to the interview 
Please don't forget to leave comments in the comment section.

Also, Exclusive video Luther Conigliarro 30 days to faith story link below