Saturday, May 31, 2014

Parents Receive Award For Raising Daughter Like a Son

A family who has a six year-old daughter received an award at Thursday’s Sixth Annual Harvey Milk Diversity Breakfast after they unveiled a video depicting how they raise their daughter to be a boy as a means of recognizing her supposed true “gender identity.” The Daily Mail reports that the family received the "Inspiration Award" at the diversity breakfast named for Harvey Milk, San Francisco’s first homosexual politician. 

In a (Nutshell) The Whittington family have a little girl who likes to get dirty, play in the dirt and mud, ruff house, and play with G.I Joe over Barbie dolls. Etc..

The Whittingtons sought professional help and began researching the topic of childhood gender identity on their own.

Excuse me? Umm, yeah because when your six year old girl behaves this way, clearly "it must be a gender disorder" 
According to the Whittington's.. There was only one obvious answer: their child was transgender…(Sarcasm laid on thick here) 

At this point, I have to respond to a absurd comment someone made on another site about this story..

They wrote....."He. Not she. Ryland (Whittington) identifies as a boy. Use the right pronouns please. Would you rather your child be unhappy and ****acceptable**** or happy and ****unacceptable****? Do you realize how many people are killed for being transgender? Do you know how many teenagers are driven to suicide? God...

Ok, this person is clearly philosophically challenged so ill break these down simply and logically. 

1) Even if a person identified them self as a boy, when in fact they are a girl; makes absolutely no impact on Reality .Anymore, than if Ryland claimed to be a car, a stove oven, butterfly, or flat screen Tv. 

2) She wrote .."Would you rather your child be unhappy and ****acceptable**** or happy and ****unacceptable****?"

Excuse me? First of all, Ryland is 6 years old. And therefore, hasn't a clue how long term happiness works. Furthermore I can tell you, at age 35 my "happiness meter" has changed a whole lot since I was six. 
Furthermore, this is a "false dichotomy" because, Just because, a girl prefers to get dirty, and wear T-shirts and jeans over dresses doesn't do a thing to change her gender. 

Did it ever dawn on these "genius parents" that they could have told young Ryland that "not all girls do girly things the same way, but they are still girls!"


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