The Newsroom is an American television political drama series created and principally written by heavy Democratic supporter Aaron Sorkin that premiered on HBO on June 24, 2012. Now in its 3rd season. The series chronicles the behind-the-scenes events at the fictional Atlantis Cable News (ACN) channel. It features an ensemble cast includingJeff Daniels as anchor Will McAvoy.
In the clip that has been shared thousands of times, is of Jeff Daniels' character Will McAvoy. He Speaking on a political panel on the topic of Is "America The Greatest Country?"
He's says No! America is not the greatest country and that's my final answer!" Then goes on a rant.
Now, I am going to site a few of the problems in the clip right from the start.
First of all, Will McAvoy's facts are off on "how many country's are Free, Dying, and Healthy in the clip,
He says America is not that special because
"there are 207 Sovereign Nations and "like a 180 of then are free"! Jeff Daniels sound bite
Is this true? Is he correct?
(By the way, we discuss this in depth on our podcast below
Is He Correct?
There are far, far less than 180 Nations that are free. After doing some fact checking of my own; The number is about 79 Nations that are free out of 240 that are sovereign.
Which brings up a good question. What do we mean by a free people?
According to the survey, Only 79 countries out of 240 are free.
What do We mean?
By freedom we mean citizens that enjoy the broadest range of rights. E.G Political rights and civil liberties.
But, my issue with this Clip of a rant that has been shared nearly 8 million times as I write this; Is that the facts are off! And, I have seen zero articles anywhere challenging the claims made in the clip.
And, after reading the comments section on Youtube, people are taking the scene as the Gospel truth
And, since most of the claims are false.
Which is ironic, since in the clip Daniel's character tells the audience of mostly college kids, that, they are the "Most ill informed generation Ever" Wow, interesting statement. Since he's the one doing the informing. And he's even off on that.
The Newsroom clip was also off on the death rates
Fact: The number one causes of death worldwide are. Communicable diseases, maternal and perinatal conditions, and nutritional deficiencies18,416,00032.
3Infectious and parasitic diseases 5Tuberculosis1,605,0002.8STDs excluding HIV180,0000.3HIV/AIDS etc.. Which is not the U.S
The Newsroom is also wrong on the United States being absurdly high in infant mortality rates.
Now this needs a little explaining.
Infant mortality means; A baby that dies either inside the mothers womb and up to a year old.
The United States is still doing much better, than the 168 Nations that are below us in this regard in infant Mortality rates.
And the truth is, if women in this country weren't having 4000 abortions everyday in the United States we would be much, much further ahead than where we are. He should have said infant mortality by choice. But never the less we are still 168 sovereign Nations ahead of the others worse on the list.
Here's a Link
There is more I could write. But, Im going to stop here. Be sure to check out our podcast above. Goes into further details.
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