Monday, July 7, 2014

Seven Inspiring Ways to Leverage Your Work For The Kingdom of God

Seven Radical Ways to Leverage your work for God's Glory

In the book "Follow Me" by David Platt, tells a story of Missionaries that encompass the Scripture "Wise as Serpents and harmless as doves"
By leveraging their work. Now these three Missionaries are also small business owners that have a burden to reach Muslims for Christ. 

Now these three missionaries could very easily have a successful, comfortable, and laid back career in the United States or Canada, or The U.K but they have moved their business into a heavily Muslim country where it's against their law to Preach the gospel. 

How ever I think they found a loop hole in the law that says conversations from bosses to employees about religions are permissible. Thus opening up the door way for Christ'sKingdom 

Here are some very wise and Inspiring ways one could Leverage their work and every good endeavor 

1) Relocate your business to a country that you have a burden to love, to reach, etc... (It doesn't have to be a muslim state) if you are called (Have a heart to reach a nation for Christ and burden)  It doesn't have to be a muslim state. And it doesn't have to be a country where you won't make any money! (The three missionaries are making plenty of money) one of them even believes they are most likely making more money there in there business than in The U.S due to Christ using this a a vehicle to Save souls! But more importantly; If you don't have a burden in your own heart, you'll never lift a burden off anyone else! 

2) If you don't own a business but work for someone, ask for ways in which to take on much greater responsibility at the company. People will soon see you as a leader. (Lead through Christ like character)true Leaders never just play it safe at a company. Or do just enough not to get fired. (Tell people that you lead about how Christ has transformed you, changed your life, your family, gave you life, peace, hope, Salvation) 

3) Do your job to the very best of your ability so that people will "see your good work and glorify your Father in heaven" Never stop improving on your job. Tell people why you "strive for excellence" and who you're grateful to everyday for your job. 

4) Do not Ever be lazy, Pray for your company, bosses, employees. Believe that God desire for every person at your job to be saved that none should parish. Ask God to send you souls at work. And, (believe that it's God's responsibility to save them) 

5) Don't evangelize like an Atheist.. Meaning; When we talk about God; talk about Him as someone you "KNOW""LOVE" and "WORSHIP"  not like some abstract argument that's built on premises only! There is a time and a place for those types of discussions, and they May even be at your office. You can use both! 
But, don't forget to talk about God like he's your Father that you have breakfast with every morning and dinner with at night. And what he's done on the cross, in you, and for you! Think of it as Aplogetics of the God you know personally!

6) If you're a leader at your job already, 
try to hire people that have a national reach. Like if you can hire Indian workers that you know travel back and forth to their native country every few months. And you have an opportunity to make disciple makers here. Do it! The goal here is Matt 28: 18-20 Make disciples if all Nations. 

7) Try to find other Christians at work that will help you serve your coworkers. Through parties, after work get togethers, bible studies. Invites to church. The goal is always the same. Make disciples who make disciples who make disciples etc..

Think about Scriptures that you will design this endeavor around. Like 1st Peter 3:10-16 and Matt 28:18-20

Get to work because the harvest is ripe but the laborers are few. If not you, who? If not now when? 

Luther Conigliarro is a Christian Philosopher and teacher, blogger, speaker, and host of Battle ideas, think deep, AndEquilibrium podcast      

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