But, I will try to give practical and helpful ways in this post on "How to and How Not to Know God's will. Which, my hope is this will be comprehensive!
Let's start with the very question. "How do I find God's will?"
This question ought to be problematic for anyone due to the fact that it conveys that a person is *Lost* and needs to *find* God's direction, approval, and blessing on issues, circumstances, and events in their life. Because, only if a man is walking on a path, then at some point gets off that path does he know that he's off the path or not.
But, ill address that in a moment. For now let's look at the typical, "Purpose driven Life model" Or, what I like to call the *Spiritual Treadmill* Why do I call it that? Because, it sets a person up for failure, and constant wondering If they are "In" God's will or not"
For example: Let's discuss the "Open Door" Closed Door" approach of this Spiritual treadmill.
This idea says.. If an opportunity shows up and a door is wide open, that this definitely God's will for sure!
After all, (They say) How many doors get open in ones life? Therefore, you have to take it. Right? No. not right, necessarily, For the same reason of the "Closed Door" view
The flip side is of this idea is the closed door. And this absurd view says.. Well if, something's difficult, or going to take a lot of work in ministry it's not God's will. (As if God would never ask us to do something difficult Right?)
No. God wants us to grow. Growth nearly 100% of the time comes through difficulty, and sweat. Like, when My wife pushed herself through hard work outs and food portion control to loose, 65LBS. Was it God's will for her to stay unhealthy and unfit? No, it was absolutely His will for her to be fit. It took hard work for her to get there. God works many times through our labor.
Then there's the "Striking Coincidense" way for determining God's will"
This idea is basically best shown in an analogy:
Lets suppose a young man is looking to find and marry "The One"
Now, let's say for our purpose here, that one day our young man, is walking around his city. He sees that someone littered a Sprite can on the side walk. And so, our young man starts kicking the green Sprite can down the side walk.
Then, almost like magic he spots three women in a group talking. And, he notices that one of the women is wearing a green shirt. He looks down and sees the green Sprite can. (And so his absurd theology tells him) that this must be a God -sign telling him. "Marry the green shirt- girl"
So, he walks up to her asks her out. She says, Yes then 6 dates later he's talking marriage. Then she says yes. 9 months later they're married.
Problem here is, the young man is basing his understanding of meeting this woman on the idea that God caused someone to litter the Sprite for the sole purpose of him kicking it.
Good thing it wasn't a Coke can! Because then the young man would have approached the wrong woman. Based on a red shirt. Then what if she was supposed to marry another guy but now she's stuck with "can Kicker"! Lol.. I'm joking.
Look, I'm just pointing out the absurd ways in which people approach this. Im not making fun of anyone here. Let's face it, we all have been lost a time or two, or two hundred! That's why we all need His grace.
Now, let's look a the bible now to see some interesting points. Matt. 10:38 Jesus meets Peter and Andrew for the first time and says.."Come Follow me and I will make you fishers of men!" At once they left their nets and followed Jesus.
These men right from the get go. Didn't ask for a sign from heaven. They didn't want a 11 point argument on why They should alter their current lifestyle. They simply obeyed, And followed Jesus!
So do you and I really want to know God's will? Here it is. God wants to save that which is Lost. That's clear from scripture. God wants you and I to read His word, and he wants a real relationship with you.
Problem is far to many are looking for a mechanical formula for using God to unlock blessings!
Oswald Chambers said it this way on "Knowing God's will" he said.. "To be so much in contact with God that you never have need to ask Him to show you His will, is to be nearing the final stage of your discipline in the life of faith."
In other words: God's will is has been made perfectly clear from the bible. From cover to cover God wants to save men and women from every tribe, Nation, and tongue by His grace, and for His glory.
We read in Habakuk.."that the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the Glory of The Lord.
We read in Isaiah .."the shall declare my glory from the Nations"
We also know from reading Revelation 7:9-10 After this I looked and saw before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe,people and language, standing before the throne in front of the Lamb. They were wearing white robes and were holding palm branches in their hands. And they cried out in a loud voice: Salvation belongs to our God, who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb.
It's so clear isn't it? That the Will of God is not something to be "Found" it's something to be followed! Question is: Do you want God's will?
For much more information and content on Knowing God's will here's a link