Saturday, May 10, 2014

What is Aiding Us In Living inside The Cultural Age of Trash & Ignorance?

Are We Living in the Golden Cultural Age of Trash and Ignorance?  

By Luther Conigliarro 

Now I'm sure that most of the public already knows that watching "Reality Shows" are not the most intellectually stimulating food for your brain to say the least. But, they seem to be like eating a French fry; no nutritional value to speak of but very addictive! 

I wrote a blog a while back about, "Why nobody is keeping up with the Kardashians" (Which by the way) is one of the reasons for this blog post today. 

Our culture seems to be absurdly infatuated with so called..Reality shows,  that couldn't seem to find moral values if they had a compass! 

Take for example the Craptastic-Reality show, *Rich Kids Of Beverly Hills*
This show is basically about young Beverly Hills -uber- rich spoiled brats; that all they seem to be able to do is party feverishly hard with their parents wealth, all In an effort to be known as the princes and princess' of debachery.

Alcohol, drugs, material excess and wasted lives are the whole point of this brain cell killing show! Matter of fact, The only justice for this show would be for these (greedy little hedonist..,). would be for their parents to cut them off financially, kick them out of their expensive homes, and hopefully then they would be forced to get jobs,
Either that or they could become destitute. Either way justice would be served. 

Then there are shows like:
*Bad girls club* a group of late teens an early 20 something's try to "out slut" th next girl on this show. No brains no talent. 

Then there's 
"Teen Mom" (title says it all) High school girls make babies and MTV films baby rearing for the world to see. 

Then there's 
"Here comes honey boo boo"

And, we can't forget to throw into this "Realty show's toilet".. the "Real Housewives" of every single city in this country! Millions of viewers tune into these shows every week. 

And,What do these shows have in common? They are all contributors that aid to help make a trashy and ignorant culture. Question are These shows are supposed to be life imitating life when half of them are scripted? (Or at least the situations are) 

In the spirit of Ephesians 5:11 Take no part in the worthless deeds of evil and darkness; instead, expose them.

These Reality shows obviously "Expose" themselves by lack of Substance and clothing, but our job here is to expose their lack of intelligentsia, creativity, meaning, morality, and substance! 

Imagine how much better off our culture would be if we simply would read books of great thinkers! 

Study the great ideas of virtuous people!

Listen to mindfull stimulating podcasts! 

 Plan our lives as if we craved nobility and Righteousness! 

And exposed garbage like that for what it is! Help your friends and loved ones to save them from loosing anymore brain cells on these ignorant shows! 

Happy Thinking 

Luther Conigliarro 
Is a Philosopher, Christian Apologist, blogger, speaker and host of Battle Ideas and other podcasts 

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